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Feel battered, bruised and broken?

Join the club. We don't have it all together either. We're simply a group of imperfect people who God is working through and perfecting in His service. Keep reading and we'll share what you can expect from a service, what's available for your kids, and have some questions about FCC answered.


Each service (8:00 & 10:15) is about 45-55 minutes. The first minutes of the service are usually a time of music and worship led by our team. We’ll have the words to each song up on the screen, so you can sing as much as you feel comfortable!

After a short welcome, there is usually another song or two or we may jump right into the day’s teaching. Each message/sermon is 25-30 minutes long and takes eternal Biblical principles and applies them to your life in some very real and practical ways. Sermon notes are published in our bulletin each week, along with upcoming events, prayer requests, and just information that you may need.

This Week's Bulletin


Sunday’s at FCC are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. We want you to know that you won’t be pointed out or made to feel uncomfortable in any way. You will have a meaningful, stress-free experience . . . and you’ll have a lot of fun.


We believe that kids should have a blast while learning about Jesus every single week – and at FCC Kids, we make this a priority. Learn more about our kids ministry below.

More About Kid's Ministry


Where are you located?

We’re located at 100 W. Center St. in Fairfield, Illinois.

What time is service?
We currently have two services. Our traditional service starts at 8:00. Please enter through the north doors off of Center St. for this service. Our 10:15 service is more contemporary and there is a special service planned for your kids during this time.   Please enter through the glass doors on the west, right off of the main parking lot.
At 9:00, we have Sunday School classes for all ages.  Visit the Welcome Center (through the doors to the left) to see what class you might fit best in.
What is a service like?

FCC is an engaging atmosphere geared towards ministering to your entire family. FCC is full of life, creativity, love and encouragement. The 8:00 service uses piano, organ and the hymns that you may have grown up with the church. At 10:15 service there is a live band that will lead in worship.  The style might be called “pop”, but it’s more like what you would hear on 98.9 WVYN or on 94.9 K-Love radio.  Both services feature a Jesus-centered message by one of our pastors. The entire service lasts a little over an hour.

What is there for my kids?

At FCC we love kids! From infants to elementary age, we have done our best to help your children have a blast while learning about Jesus. At the 9:00 Sunday School time and the 10:15 services there is a nursery available for infants through 3 yr olds. During our 10:15am Contemporary Service we have a Jr. Church program for pre-k and another program for Kindergarten – 5th grade. We have created a fun and safe environment for them by implementing our kids’ check-in and check-out system. All our volunteers are background checked and trained to make sure your children are in safe hands.

What do I wear?

FCC is a church for everyone. We encourage people to come as they are and dress in what feels most comfortable.

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