You can give in multiple ways. You can charge your gift to a credit card, or you can use an ACH bank transfer. An ACH Bank Transfer is less expensive for us. Out of the $100.00, with an ACH, we receive $2 more after fees.. It’s easy to use a bank account and it costs us much less. Just click the “Give By” drop down arrow. If you’d like to cover those fees, you’ll see a box that says, “Add $x.xx to cover the processing fee” Simply check that box and the amount will be added to your gift.
You can also give to multiple funds: General, Missions, or, four times a year, our special Golden Bowl offerings which go to various mission projects. Simply use the “add gift to another fund” link below the fund drop down box and enter an amount along with which fund you choose. Your financial contributions are tax-deductible.